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The city harbour Rostock

The city harbour Rostock was once Rostock's main harbour. Today, the term describes the area at the south bank of the river Unterwarnow between the silos and the car park at the Kabutzenhof.

Before the Turn, this area was not open to the general public nor tourists. But over time it has developed to a popular strolling mile with a wide range of restaurants, bars, clubs and cafes. and the trend seems to go further in that direction.

When big events take place in Rostock and Warnemünde like the Hanse Sail, the city harbour turns into a party zone with countless snack bars and funfair stalls, ride attractions, company advertisement areas etc.

Image Copyright: city-map Region Rostock

Image Copyright: city-map Region Rostock

Over the years, the historic crane facilities were preserved. Today, they contribute to the city's maritime flair.

With the harbour terraces, the builder was able to get a very good mix of modern architecture, which looks very good in its surroundings.

The harbour terraces house offices, cafes, restaurants, specialist shops, maritime suppliers and much more. Here, one can enjoy a glass of wine and look at the evening sun mirrored in the Warnow.

Image Copyright: city-map Region Rostock

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